How to write from various facts? With Examples!

It is not for me to suggest that you transform yourself into a journalist and rewrite articles. No, of course. It is advisable, from a news item, to invent a story. It is obvious that from the outset, I deliberately dismissed all the various tragic and murderous facts. I want to remain resolutely optimistic in my choices and the stories I write. Moreover, I have rather selected, throughout my reading, themes that can, sometimes, give rise to a smile. I searched left and right, in the local press, on the Internet - a great pool of unusual stories - How to create a Wikipedia page about yourself early stories that I found interesting for rewriting. It is one way - among others - to find a beginning to a story when you feel that your imagination is failing you. In any case, the blank page will escape you, for sure!

The goal is always above all to have fun and have fun inventing!

In this article, I have therefore created stories from specific miscellaneous facts found at random during my research, over the months. I focused on beautiful love stories, to give balm to everyone's hearts, in these sometimes troubling times and to chase away the gloom of winter that is setting in.

If you wish to read more theories concerning the various facts, I refer you to the first article on this topic.

Create a framework for the news

Creating a framework allows you to situate the story and develop it from there. For the following three miscellaneous facts, invent an event, the place, the time, the causes and the consequences. For example, for the first news item “the start of a fire at Notre Dame College”. The event will be college panic for 400 college students. The place will be in Brest. The time will be in February 2015. The cause will be an oven that is too old in the kitchens. The consequences: the pupils all evacuated the various buildings of the enclosure and waited outside. Snow has arrived, a very rare occurrence in this corner of Brittany. Magic for these young people, for whom it becomes an exceptional event. From there, we can unfold a story, inserting the details made up. It's the details you come up with that will make your story not look like a news item. Second example: “thieves arrested at the station”. The event: charivari at the train station. The place: Proving station. The weather: summer 2000. The causes: collectors of pebbles along the rails. The consequences: traffic stopped. Visit these collectors of a particular kind, somewhat resembling the Factor Cheval. Third example: “he leaves his cabin unscathed”.
The event: the crane operator receives the top of a twelve-story building under construction on the cab of his crane. The place: the district of La Defense in Paris. The weather: October, rainy season and strong wind. The causes: the beginning of a storm hit the capital. The consequences: the crane operator's marathon to descend four by four the narrow steps of his machine. He was trained, and he had already participated in many marathons around the world, including the one in New York. When it comes to history, anything is possible. The imagination has no limit theoretically. The only restrictions are those you choose for yourself. The reality of facts often has more force than our own imagination.
You will find, in the rest of this article, three stories made up from a news item.

He asks his wife in marriage on the big screen

Joel had been in love with Rebecca for over ten years. They had met in a famous American fast-food restaurant, when they worked there on weekends to make money, their condition of students allowing them very little follies daily. Joel immediately fell in love with this young brunette girl, tall, standing very straight, her eyes sparkling, with a beautiful smile on top of that. She had immediately captured his heart. But, he had taken a long time to approach her or to give her a few glances of seduction. He didn't dare to deepen the relationship and preferred to focus on making his burgers. But, by the end of the summer, their relationship had become official and formalized for the families of the two lovebirds. They liked each other and complemented each other well. Their studies finished, their teacher's diploma in hand, and they had landed their first position in the Bordeaux region. They were happy, envisioned a bright future, and threw their plans ahead for the next few years. But, the word 'marriage' had never been mentioned before. Each, for their part, had suffered from the difficult divorce of their respective parents. They were afraid to broach the subject and to break this pure relationship between them with a vulgar paper signed in front of the mayor. To celebrate their ten years of meeting and to mark the occasion, Joel had a slightly crazy idea, which had come to him on a lazy morning. He hadn't said a word about it to anyone, but he had thought about his business well. He had decided to do it big. The love of his life deserved it and was well worth it. He had decided to ask Rebecca in marriage, purely but not simply. It was too easy to get down on your knees on Valentine's Day. Too classic. Cliché has worn by time. A trip to a romantic destination, Venice for example with its gondolas, is too popular too. Joel considered any other request to be tacky too, like making his request with a glass of champagne and a bouquet of red roses, like a candlelight dinner.

Too little for him.

As he was passionate about cinema, he had decided to shoot a short video with his cell phone, edit his film himself and pay to broadcast it on the scheduled evening at the cinema on the big screen in room 1. Rebecca was still there. 'Agreement to follow him in theatres and to watch all kinds of films. She was learning a lot to follow her sweetheart and listen to his cinematic comments and analyzes. In the evening for the BIG occasion, the loving couple went to their neighbourhood cinema, true to their habits. Then, amid the commercials, the marriage proposal arrived. Rebecca did not immediately understand what was happening exactly. Then, the information slowly rose to her brain, she was visibly surprised and moved beyond belief. She couldn't believe her eyes or her ears, and everything was spinning on her. She no longer knew where she was, so much emotion overwhelmed her. Of course, Rebecca did not hesitate for a second to pronounce the magical “YES” which tied their love more than ever, to the applause of the 120 spectators present, as moved as the future bride.

Engagement ring lost in New York manhole

Tom, a thirty-year-old Briton had decided to propose to Nelly in marriage on their next trip to New York, long planned and carefully prepared. The two lovers had wished to celebrate with dignity their passage in their new name of thirty, between the two, far from their family, for once.
It was also the first time that they would set foot on the soil of the American continent. They had dreamed of it for years. Tom had it all planned. He had bought a beautiful engagement ring, a topaz the colour of his future wife's eyes. He had paid the price and was very proud of it. He was excited to make his official request to the woman of his life. Well installed in the famous Big Apple, one evening, they decided to go to Times Square, to experience this place in the evening, so busy district, mythical crossroads, and a veritable place of pilgrimage for tourists, where millions of them meet. . It was a priori a place too frequented and too anonymous to propose. But, Tom had decided so. He was counting on the magic of this New York symbol, on the reputation of this incredible spectacle of light effects from different brands. Tom and Nelly were there, in the middle of this crowd of anonymous people, hypnotized by the surrounding scenery. They were looking up from all sides, not knowing where to look. The spectacle was offered to them. Magic moment, where time no longer existed.
He had given up the idea of ​​making his request on one of the billboards. Too expensive. Suddenly, Tom knelt down. Nelly thought he had hurt himself and was already ready to help him get up when she heard a phrase she no longer believed: “do you want to become my wife?” When it was time to give the ring to his future wife, Tom could no longer find the small box. Moments of total panic. He was completely disarmed and in tears. He had lost the ring there in New York. The romantic scene he had imagined was not going as planned at all. Nelly, also taken by her emotion, had already said yes, throwing herself on the neck of her now fiancé, whispering in his ear in a loving tone that the ring was not essential. The trip had ended choppily without the precious alliance, Tom having experienced the greatest difficulties in the world to recover from this mishap. They had returned to Bristol, ready to begin preparations for the future ceremony, scheduled six months later. But, it was without counting on the zeal of the employees of the city who never sleeps. Wikipedia page creators sewer maintenance workers had found a ring and handed it over to the police. NYPD officers then took pictures of the object, realizing that it was important to someone. They published a short article on social networks with all the pictures taken, to find the two lovers. The stratagem worked thanks to the many shares of Internet users, taking turns for a few days. Tom and Nelly received a twit one morning with the photo of their ring, not believing to find it one day anyway. The mayor of New York offered them the round trip biller to pick up their precious jewel, having learned that the lovers were going to get married five months later. An official ceremony worthy of the name was organized by the city authorities. The information was relayed in many countries. This happened just three days before Christmas. Tom and Nelly thanked Twitter and the magic of Christmas, which was once again working.